December 15, 2011

Take Love, Multiply It By Infinity And Take It To The Depths Of Forever...And You Still Have Only A Glimpse Of How I Feel For You

Since December 4, 2005 we have had made the best memories...
6 love-filled years.
1 sweet puppy to love on.
5 rooves over our head.
2 states lived in.
thousands of pictures taken.
billions of kisses, hugs, laughs, cuddles, 'I love you's' spoken and sweet nothings whispered.
1 perfectly amazing wedding.
3 countries traveled.
hundreds of races raced.
9 states visited.
1 unforgettable honeymoon.
1 stressful home remodel.
1 highly anticipated engagement.
...and that's just to name a few. These last 6 years have been nothing short of amazing. I can still remember our first kiss, the first time Carl told me he was in love with me, the first time I felt butterflies or the first time I realized he was the man I wanted to marry and spend the rest of my life with. I am thankful and blessed everyday that God chose this path that led me to my prince charming. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us and what journey's we'll embarq on. This is thee life and I am so lucky to be enjoying it with my best friend by my side. Carl is hands down the most amazing man I have ever met. He is the best husband, friend and puppy daddy anyone could ever imagine. He loves me when I'm silly, when I have not a drop of make up on my face, when I wear my footy pajama's, when I pop my knee out due to too much Jaeger runnin' through my veins, when I get sappy, when I'm serious, when I try a new recipe and it turns out disasterous, when I need to vent or cry, when I get super OCD...but, most of all he loves me because I'm me and there is no greater feeling than that.
Here's to another incredible 6 years babe. I love you more than words will ever begin to express.
Maassberg Family December 2011

October 12, 2011

One Amazing Year As Husband and Wife

September 25, 2011 marked our very first year has Mr & Mrs Maassberg, husband and wife. They say that the first year of marriage is the hardest year but, I completely disagree. I will say that it was hands down the best year yet...and don't judge me if I say that every year haha. Right after we got married everyone had asked us if it felt different to be married versus boyfriend and girlfriend since we had dated and lived together for 5 years before taking the plunge...we would always reply with a simple, "No." However, after a whole year has gone by I can honestly look back and say that it is different. It is different in more ways than one but the most different I think is that we have a different bond/connection with each other than we ever did before...and Carl is romantic, mushy and sentimental now. I don't know if that's because he is married or just getting older. Haha.

Our anniversary was nothing short of amazing. Carl had been working out of town in Lake Tahoe for the month of September during the week and coming home on the weekends, luckily our anniversary landed on Sunday. Friday I got a sweet, sweet surpirse. I was beyond shocked when one of the front desk girls at work said that someone was here for me only to walk to the front desk and see a giant bouquet of a dozen of the most beautiful roses I have ever seen in my life. I got a little teary eyed because as stated in previous posts these little surprises may come few and far between but when they do they are big, grand and unexpected making them that much more special. I was a lucky girl hangin' out on cloud nine the whole day! Saturday we didnt do much but get some errands and chores done around the house. But, Sunday was a different story. Sunday we exchanged gifts. I got Carl a card and 2 tickets to for us to go to the Monster Energy Cup on October 15. Carl got me a wedding band to go with my engagement ring. Because my hubby knows how meticulous and picky I am he hadn't actually bought my ring yet but took me to go pick one out. Well, because I had sooooo many choices I wasnt able to make a decision that day. Needless to say he was a little bummed. But, I do think I have it narrowed down and hopefully I'll be picking up my new piece of jewelry soon ;] After shopping till we finally dropped with no success we headed to the grocery store to pick some steaks for dinner. My handsome hubby made a yummy din din, we watched Bridesmaids, ate our 1 year old red velvet cake that was far too sweet and toasted each other with sparkling apple cider [champagne is gross]. It was an incredible memory that we will never forget.

This weekend we will be having another anniversary celebration. We are going to the Monster Energy Cup [the tickets I got Carl for our anniversary] and we are getting a long overdue couples massage all on Saturday using a gift card we got for our wedding from my lovie B. Comer.

Year One Memories [good and scary]
*Marrying the man of my dreams in front of our amazing friends and incredible family
*Hawaiian honeymoon
*Jersey Shore Halloween
*Mexico for the Baja 1000
*Carl wins the SCORE Team Championship and the MRAN Open Expert Championship
*Christmas Tree hunting with the Buoy's
*5 year anniversary
*Baja party at Casa de Maassberg
*SCORE Banquet
*First Christmas as husband and wife
*Carl deciding to race full time for 2011
*The longest and most emotional drive to Phoenix when Uncle Kenny got in his car accident
*Carl racing his first National H&H in 3 years.
*First Valentine's day as husband and wife
*Going to Idaho for the National H&H and visiting the Glover's
*Carl crashed and broke his wrist
*Sharing a red velvet cupcake on our 6 month anniversary
*Carl had surgery to repair his broken left wrist and carpal tunnel right wrist.
*Carl gets a black stache
*Horse and carriage ride at Town Square
*Carl's first race back after surgery.
*Operation Casa de Maassberg Extreme Home Makeover [wood flooring, painting and refinishing cabinets]
*Mammoth Motorcross with great friends
*4th of July with my family and great friends.
*Huntington Beach vacay
*Visit from the Glover kidaroos.
*Kicking ass at our first Vegas to Reno experience
*My 24th birthday filled with Nacho Cheese
*Carl working in Lake Tahoe for the month of September
*Dieter's 3rd birthday
*Receiving beautiful flowers from my one and only.
*Celebrating our one year anniversary with best husband around.

Not to mention countless barbecques at Casa de Maassberg with rad friends, unforgettable family time, a plethera of different shapes and amounts of facial hair, lots of laughs, tons of date nights and sweet, sweet lovin'.

Carl, I am thankful everyday that I was blessed with you to share the rest of my life with and we're lucky that we found each other so early in this journey. You are my best friend, my soulmate, my comic relief, my partner in EVERYTHING. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us and I love that you'll be the one holding my hand while our wildest dreams come true. I am proud to be your Mrs. Here's to another rad year Mr. Maassberg! I love you.

September 14, 2011

D Turns The Big 3!

Our litte, Dieter Brian Maassberg is officially 3 years old today! Well, I suppose technically he is 21 human years...maybe I'll run and get him a bowl of beer to celebrate! haha. Holy smokes! Our puppy is still the highlight of our lives three years later. D is the sweetest dog around. He sure loves his mommy and daddy. D loooooooves to play. He loves grabbing his favorite moose and whipping it around like a crazy dog or playing catch with himself. He loves treats, snuggling with his mama, watching his daddy race, chasing cats, peeing on the floor when he see's Nathan, eating pistachio's and almond's, car rides and playing with his daddy. He absolutely loathes the pool, bath's, trips to Pet Smart when he know's he's getting groomed, when we don't let him gnaw on his foot, when his daddy is out of town, and seeing a cat through the front window and not being able to chase it. He is most definitely the most spoiled puppy I know but, he is well worth it. Happy Birthday Dieter Doo! We love you!

September 13, 2011

This Has Gotta Be The Good Life...

WARNING: Picture Overload Up Ahead! [In No Particular Order]
Surprise, suprise we have been crazy busy...and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. To be honest almost 6 years into this adventure with Mr. Maassberg and I honestly can't imagine our life any other way. Carl and I have once again been running around like chickens with our heads cut off. So far this summer we have gone to Mammoth for Mammoth Motocross, raced Caliente, celebrated 4th of July with rad friends and family, vacayed in Huntington Beach, had our computer crash several times, had multiple date nights, lots of lovin', a slumber party with our nieces and nephews, 51's baseball game, raced Vegas to Reno for the very first time [and I chased all by myself! eek], celebrated my 24th birthday in a pool of Nacho Cheese...don't judge me--you only live once right?? haha, raced in Central, Utah and celebrated a Labor Day barbeque with the usual suspects. Carl has also been working out of town the last two weeks. He goes to Lake Tahoe M-F and comes home for the weekend. It sucks super bad but, we are super greatful that we both have jobs right now and arent struggling. It's just hard to be away from your #1 that long. And Dieter absolutley HATES it. He mopes around and all he wants to do is snuggle because he misses his daddy so much. Basically, D and I are probably the most pathetic and hopless people M-F while Carl is gone. What can I say? We just miss him and count down the days until he is home again. We have had an ultra fast and super exciting summer and I am happy we were fortunate to take a couple steps back and take it all in. We finally have our computer up and running and my pictures were all saved even though our computer got 'sick' a few times in the last couple months. Lucky us.

So, for this update it is going to be mostly pictures. Then, I PROMISE I will update once a week with pictures and a 'normal' journal entry...maybe even tomorrow, if you're lucky ;] haha. Yay!! :]

June 7, 2011

Welcome To Our Silly Life

I guess the correct adjective would be busy, not silly. But, we are indeed both silly and busy. In fact we've been so busy and silly that I haven't a free second to update our lovely blog. So, here's a quick update on your favorite love birds--no silly, not Prince William and Princess Kate...Carl and Valerie, duh! :]

**I was lucky enough to share such a special, special memory with my sweet baby sister. I taught her how to ride her bicycle with no training wheels. To my astonishment it took me a meer 5 minutes and she was flyin' up and down the street like a pro. No exaggeration on time, promise. I took one training wheel off and helped her ride up the street once for her to get the hang of balancing the bike and then reeled her back in to take the remaining training wheel off. I walked with her while holding the seat one trip up the street and one back down. The next trip up she did ALL on her own. I was soooooo proud of her. The best day ever. This is a memory that will last me a lifetime. My mom and Nyah recently moved back to Utah and I miss them more than words could say. I am so happy that I was able to make such great memories with them the first half of this year.

Proudest Sister Ever!

And These Two Loons!

**Carl has fully recovered from his surgery that he underwent the beginning of April. After much deliberation and training he raced his first race back in Jericho, Utah for the Cherry Creek National H&H. He did amazing. Of course not the results he had expected of himself but I was a pretty dang proud wifey! His exhaust completely blew apart and rode that last 50 miles or so thinking he would be deaf once he took his helmet off at the finish haha. He placed 9th overall and 2nd in his class. That is the last national until October when the season resumes with the final two of the year landing back to back. Until then we have a few races here in there most exciting being Mammoth the third week in June and Vegas to Reno the third week in August, lastly our favorite summer race 4th of July weekend in Caliente. I am so proud of my racer. He is so amazing and I love seeing that smile on his face when throw his leg over a motorcycle. 

Almost Got His Booty!

His Dunzo'd Exhaust!

 **Extreme Home Makeover-Casa de Maassberg Edition. Well, our house was in extreme need of some esthetic help. And we picked the absolute worst time to do it, but that's how we the seat of our pants haha. We live in the house that Carl grew up in. The minute we got the approval to move in we ran down to Lowe's and bought a random color of paint and moved on in, that was September of 2008. We havent done a dang thing since. And well to be honest I was getting a little ADD about it and needed to do something. We were sick of the carpet, so we figured since we were pulling the carpet up to lay hardwood why not just paint...then we figured well if we're painting we might as well re-do the cabinets...and well you get the picture, it just snow balled from there. Everything still isnt done, but the big stuff is pretty much over with. We havent eaten an actual home cooked meal since Mother's day weekend, the majority of the time being that the house was torn apart and then we broke the stove so we're having to replace that but not without a for sure go ahead from a friend after he looks at it! haha. After all the headache, sleepless nights, stress, bickering and tears I wouldnt go back. Even though it's not done all the way we are already absolutely in LOVE with the new Casa de Maassberg. We looooooooove it. Eeeee! I just cant wait to put the finishing touches on. I did want to send a shout out to the amazing people that helped us when were about rip our hair out...literally! Thank you: Mom-you are absolutely hands down the most amazing person EVER! You helped so much and we cant thank you enough for your help! Krissy G-Lover-Sister, thank you so much for all of your help while you were on vacation. I would have cried finishing my kitchen if it werent for you. You are the best! Lonan-Thanks sooooooo much for helping us with the flooring. I'm pretty sure I would have had several wholes in our newly painted walls if you werent there to lighten the mood and talk Carl out of killing the inventor of hardwood flooring! Jeremy-Thanks so much for painting my whole living room and hallways haha! :] Clint, Nathan and Tess-Thank you for loaning us your tools! Most of all thank you to my incredible husband who worked his tail off the week of his last National before summer. You are awesome and I forgive you for everytime you gave me a dirty look when I would ask you nagging question! haha. I forgot to take 'before pictures' and my 'after' pictures will NOT be taken until it is all done...but I will say the next couple of pictures you are able to see the flooring and the color of the kitchen. I promise pictures will be up as soon as it is all done!

**Memorial Day BBQ-Carl and I LOVE to entertain at Casa de Maassberg, we have a pool, a sweet patio, an open kitchen that makes for a great dance floor and there is always beverages for those over 21...lots of love between great friends and family---what more could you ask for? We asked our lover faces over for Memorial day. It was crazy, fun and the perfect weekend with awesome people!

So, now that I've written a novel I shall let you know that our summer is super busy and there will probably be a couple more of these 'bulk' posts. We've got Mammoth, Caliente, Eagle Valley, San Diego, V2R, my birthday, Labor Day, 1 year anniversary and such coming up this summer. Sooooooooo...sorry in advance! Haha!