June 7, 2011

Welcome To Our Silly Life

I guess the correct adjective would be busy, not silly. But, we are indeed both silly and busy. In fact we've been so busy and silly that I haven't a free second to update our lovely blog. So, here's a quick update on your favorite love birds--no silly, not Prince William and Princess Kate...Carl and Valerie, duh! :]

**I was lucky enough to share such a special, special memory with my sweet baby sister. I taught her how to ride her bicycle with no training wheels. To my astonishment it took me a meer 5 minutes and she was flyin' up and down the street like a pro. No exaggeration on time, promise. I took one training wheel off and helped her ride up the street once for her to get the hang of balancing the bike and then reeled her back in to take the remaining training wheel off. I walked with her while holding the seat one trip up the street and one back down. The next trip up she did ALL on her own. I was soooooo proud of her. The best day ever. This is a memory that will last me a lifetime. My mom and Nyah recently moved back to Utah and I miss them more than words could say. I am so happy that I was able to make such great memories with them the first half of this year.

Proudest Sister Ever!

And These Two Loons!

**Carl has fully recovered from his surgery that he underwent the beginning of April. After much deliberation and training he raced his first race back in Jericho, Utah for the Cherry Creek National H&H. He did amazing. Of course not the results he had expected of himself but I was a pretty dang proud wifey! His exhaust completely blew apart and rode that last 50 miles or so thinking he would be deaf once he took his helmet off at the finish haha. He placed 9th overall and 2nd in his class. That is the last national until October when the season resumes with the final two of the year landing back to back. Until then we have a few races here in there most exciting being Mammoth the third week in June and Vegas to Reno the third week in August, lastly our favorite summer race 4th of July weekend in Caliente. I am so proud of my racer. He is so amazing and I love seeing that smile on his face when throw his leg over a motorcycle. 

Almost Got His Booty!

His Dunzo'd Exhaust!

 **Extreme Home Makeover-Casa de Maassberg Edition. Well, our house was in extreme need of some esthetic help. And we picked the absolute worst time to do it, but that's how we roll...by the seat of our pants haha. We live in the house that Carl grew up in. The minute we got the approval to move in we ran down to Lowe's and bought a random color of paint and moved on in, that was September of 2008. We havent done a dang thing since. And well to be honest I was getting a little ADD about it and needed to do something. We were sick of the carpet, so we figured since we were pulling the carpet up to lay hardwood why not just paint...then we figured well if we're painting we might as well re-do the cabinets...and well you get the picture, it just snow balled from there. Everything still isnt done, but the big stuff is pretty much over with. We havent eaten an actual home cooked meal since Mother's day weekend, the majority of the time being that the house was torn apart and then we broke the stove so we're having to replace that but not without a for sure go ahead from a friend after he looks at it! haha. After all the headache, sleepless nights, stress, bickering and tears I wouldnt go back. Even though it's not done all the way we are already absolutely in LOVE with the new Casa de Maassberg. We looooooooove it. Eeeee! I just cant wait to put the finishing touches on. I did want to send a shout out to the amazing people that helped us when were about rip our hair out...literally! Thank you: Mom-you are absolutely hands down the most amazing person EVER! You helped so much and we cant thank you enough for your help! Krissy G-Lover-Sister, thank you so much for all of your help while you were on vacation. I would have cried finishing my kitchen if it werent for you. You are the best! Lonan-Thanks sooooooo much for helping us with the flooring. I'm pretty sure I would have had several wholes in our newly painted walls if you werent there to lighten the mood and talk Carl out of killing the inventor of hardwood flooring! Jeremy-Thanks so much for painting my whole living room and hallways haha! :] Clint, Nathan and Tess-Thank you for loaning us your tools! Most of all thank you to my incredible husband who worked his tail off the week of his last National before summer. You are awesome and I forgive you for everytime you gave me a dirty look when I would ask you nagging question! haha. I forgot to take 'before pictures' and my 'after' pictures will NOT be taken until it is all done...but I will say the next couple of pictures you are able to see the flooring and the color of the kitchen. I promise pictures will be up as soon as it is all done!

**Memorial Day BBQ-Carl and I LOVE to entertain at Casa de Maassberg, we have a pool, a sweet patio, an open kitchen that makes for a great dance floor and there is always beverages for those over 21...lots of love between great friends and family---what more could you ask for? We asked our lover faces over for Memorial day. It was crazy, fun and the perfect weekend with awesome people!

So, now that I've written a novel I shall let you know that our summer is super busy and there will probably be a couple more of these 'bulk' posts. We've got Mammoth, Caliente, Eagle Valley, San Diego, V2R, my birthday, Labor Day, 1 year anniversary and such coming up this summer. Sooooooooo...sorry in advance! Haha!

1 comment:

  1. Awwee, love it!! Hope the house is going well and can't wait to see pictures!! I love renovating, someday...someday :) Good luck at all your races this summer and next year's season!!
