September 14, 2011

D Turns The Big 3!

Our litte, Dieter Brian Maassberg is officially 3 years old today! Well, I suppose technically he is 21 human years...maybe I'll run and get him a bowl of beer to celebrate! haha. Holy smokes! Our puppy is still the highlight of our lives three years later. D is the sweetest dog around. He sure loves his mommy and daddy. D loooooooves to play. He loves grabbing his favorite moose and whipping it around like a crazy dog or playing catch with himself. He loves treats, snuggling with his mama, watching his daddy race, chasing cats, peeing on the floor when he see's Nathan, eating pistachio's and almond's, car rides and playing with his daddy. He absolutely loathes the pool, bath's, trips to Pet Smart when he know's he's getting groomed, when we don't let him gnaw on his foot, when his daddy is out of town, and seeing a cat through the front window and not being able to chase it. He is most definitely the most spoiled puppy I know but, he is well worth it. Happy Birthday Dieter Doo! We love you!


  1. Oh, I love little D! Happy Birthday, now its time for a little baby BOY! You two get going! LOL

  2. LOL! I just saw this! You make me laugh! :]
