May 9, 2011

God Could Not Be Everywhere So He Created Mothers

Carl and I are truly blessed to have 2 of the best mom's ever. In our eyes, they are perfect and we wouldn't be who or where we are today with out these two beautiful, inspiring women! Happy Mother's Day!

Mama Molloy
Mom, you are absolutely incredible. You are one of the toughest cookies I know. You have been there for me through every bump and bruise--mentally, physically and emotionally even when you needed the support more. I know I wouldn't be the woman, wife, friend or sister I am today without your guidance. I am so grateful for every sacrifice you ever made and continue to make for me, Westlee and Nyah--and you have sacrificed more than anyone will ever be able to comprehend. I know I wouldn't be where I am today without your words of encouragement "Valerie, you need to spread your wings and go,"--I would have never survived moving out of state at the tender age of 18 without our daily phone calls and your amazing support. I know we may not always see eye to eye on everything but I do love you more than words can say. You have given me an amazing journey and continue to give my brother and sister the best life possible. Thank you for loving my husband like he is one of your own and making him feel special when he needs it. I love you.

Mama Maassberg
Mom, to you I am thankful for raising the man of my dreams. Carl is the most genuine gentleman that I know and that's because of you. You have taught him to be such an amazing human being. I am so happy that you treat me like one of your own and really made me feel like I was family way before I ever officially was. I remember when I first moved to Las Vegas and I got sick with the flu. I came to the house and you had me all doctored up with chicken noodle soup, 7 up, Tylenol, crackers and a warm blanket just like my mom would have done. You have always made me feel special and I am grateful that I got blessed with such a great mother in law. I am so lucky to have a second mom that is just as great as my mama! I love you.

2 Songs To Dedicate To 2 Of The Best Mom's Ever. We LOVE You.

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