April 28, 2011

Today Was A Fairytale...I Wore A Dress, You Wore A Dark Grey T-Shirt

WARNING: Ridiculously Long Babbling & Squishy Awwww Moments Below--Please Throw Up Else Where--I Don't Have A Trash Can In Here!

You will hear me say this over and over and over again. I AM THE LUCKIEST GIRL...EVER! I truly am. Not only do I have the best friends and the most incredible family that a girl could ever ask for but, I have the best husband around. Carl is not only my best friend...he's my soulmate, my other half, the cheese to my macaroni, the goober who slaps my back when I have a bajllion degree sun burn <----no exaggeration whatsoever ;] haha. Carl and I are different. My beautiful friend Tess once said, "you two balance each other out," and when she first said it I kind of didnt get it [unusual for me right?]. But after much thought and Tess' reassurance that I'm not completely odd she made a good point. We balance each other out. Simple, right? Us...simple? Are you kidding me? Tess' theory was Carl is a very quiet, shy, a realist, low maintenence, pleases everybody, doesn't know how to speak the word "no" kind of man. And then there's me. Yup, me--this crazy, always cracking jokes and cracking herself up, loud, kick back, optomistic, sleepy, nothin' but a lover kind of girl. So, I agree--we do balance each other out, we're like two puzzle pieces made perfectly for each other. Looking from the outside in Carl and I are just the newylwed's next door...the ones that you can hear fighting over their puppy's attention during a game of fetch [V:'come to mommy Dieter...I'll give you table food'---C:'Dieter come to daddy...the one that trims your butt hair so you don't get dingleberries'], the couple that makes the weekly El Torito trip--ordering the exact same thing just about EVERY time ['2 bean and cheese please!'] and the wife grabbing a toothpick on the way out just to get under the skin of her husband, the couple at the grocery store that is tripping each other walking down each aisle--the husband taking out what the wife puts in just to get a rise out of her. He puts up with my continuous movie quoting [Step Brothers, Wedding Crashers, Hangover, Anchorman--you catch my drift?], my self diagnosed Narcolepsy, my hate for beer, my messy car and bathroom, my persistency, my worry wart syndrome, my love for the snooze button and on and on and on. I on the other hand put up with his ultra disgusting habit for trying to prove that he is the ultimate cowboy by chewing tobacco, Skoal Straight to be exact-ick, the fact that sometimes he just CANNOT relax, for some reason his finger does NOT like to turn the garage lights OFF, his love for Archer and oddly enough that is all that I can think of right now haha. All in all we are in love, funny and a one of kind husband and wife. Which brings me to the actual point of this post. Carl isn't dramatically romantic which makes the moments that he does squeeze a sweet love note or a surprise date in that much more special. Awwwww my special guy. Carl and I have been trying to make an attempt to go on a date night once every week because of our busy schedule. Well about two weeks ago we were planning on going to the Hawaiian festival at the Silverton. I was super excited because we spent our honeymoon in Maui so I was thinking this would be an "awwwww" night reminiscing about our honeymoon and what not. Well I got home, Carl looked up the information online and wasn't too eager to go. So we headed off to Town Square for some dinner at Yard House. We had a hilarious dinner, definitely entertaining to say the least. Can I just tell you now that I look back it kind of reminded me of Tina Fey and Steve Carrell in Date Night when they are sitting at dinner and they look around the room and try to immitate what the other couple at the booth across the room are talking about...I'm cracking up right now--we are them. Bwahahhhahahaha. Crazy people. Anyways, on our way back to the truck we saw the horse drawn carriage. I looked at Carl and said "awwwwwww, I want to go" <---See! The 'awwwww' moment did happen! :] He grumbled ok and I compromised with the 7 minute ride versus the 15 minute ride. Remind you, Carl is deathly afraid of horses. Once we go the jockey's attention and settled in the carriage Carl told them to take us on the 15 minute ride. I was in fairytale land-just me and my prince charming! We went on a 15 minute ride through Town Square. Most of the ride the jockey kept looking back at Carl and cracking up about his stache! Haha. She just couldn't get a grip. It was seriously the best date night ever. I am so happy to have these special "fairytale" moments with my hubby. These big ones come few and far between but I am super greatful for them. Sorry for the long post but I am just a big ball of love tonight and I want to be able to read this the next time I'm mad at him for setting his alarm at 5am on a nothing planned Saturday morning just to laugh at me or he can read it the next time I tell him my oil hasnt been changed in 8 months...ooopsies! :]

See! The Dark Grey T-Shirt and The Dress--What A Kuhwinkadink!

The Infamous Stache

Prince Charming and His Princess

1 comment:

  1. You are too cute, and silly in love is the best way to go through life...
