April 13, 2011

April 12, 2004...

...was an incredible day for the Molloy family. It was the day that my sweet baby sister Nyah Lynn Molloy came to this big wide world. Can't it really be SEVEN years already??? I feel like it was just yesterday that we were celebrating her first birthday...that she took her first steps...said her first word...said 'sissy' for the first time.

Ahhhh! I can't believe this little chunky monkey...
Nyah Lynn Molloy-1 Year Old

...has turned into this beautiful, amazing, stubborn, sassy, smart, funny, big SEVEN year old. I can't believe how fast time flies! I can only imagine what it'll be like when I have a seven year old haha.

We had a very small but incredibly perfect birthday party on Saturday for Nyah and 2 friends that she chose from her class, Amy [her bestest friend ever] and Malaya. Between my mom and I we decided that a little girls day would be perfect, no need for anything big and fancy...after all it is the small things that kids remember--at least I did as a kid. So, we spent the morning decorating the house and making a trip to Starbucks for a much needed treat before the gremlins arrived! :] I [with mom's help of course] did pedicures and manicures on the little girls. They absolutely loved it. They got to soak their feet and pick out what color the wanted! They went CRAZY about doing different patterns and flowers on their fingers and toes [See? The littlest things! haha] Halfway through the "spa treatment" the little neighbor girls, Gina and Katie, down the street decided to join us. After their nails were finito we ate pizza, watched Tangled, played Hot Potato and Pin the Tail on the Donkey, made/deoorated cupcake ice cream cones, opened presents and then played jump rope until the party ended! I think we were very succesful! Nyah was on cloud nine. She had so much fun and the girls did too! Since her birthday wasnt until Tuesday we had a family birthday dinner at Red Robin. She didnt have any problem what so ever with telling EVERYONE that it was HER birthday haha! She is a crack up. After dinner we came home and at mom's famous homemade birthday cake and hit the lights.

Happy birthday Nyah Lynn! You are loved more than you know! xoxo

I can honestly say that I am super proud to be a big sister! Not only to this little miss thing but to my brother too. I really have great siblings that I love more than anything.

Amy, Malaya & Nyah


Soakin' Footsies

 :] Scary face!

Bestest Friends!

Best picture EVER! Mommy & Sissy.

Katie, Gina, Nyah, Malaya & Amy

I had to get her with cake!



  1. What a fun party, you guys are awesome! She is such a beautiful little girl!

  2. thanks stacey! :] she definitely keeps us on our toes!
