April 5, 2011

We're Baaaaaaack!

To start off I suppose we should introduce ourselves...once again [I orginally started this blog back in September of 2009...clearly I've been slacking]. Thanks to my sweet, sweet friend Chelsie I've decided to actually pursue a constant Blog. So here it goes.

I'm Valerie. Just a one of a kind girl from St. George, Utah. I am absolutely in love with my amazing life and I am the hands down the luckiest girl...EVER. I enjoy spending time with my husband, our friends and our family. I looooove our sweet puppy. Side note: At what age do they stop calling a dog a puppy? He is almost three now, eh! I enjoy any day in the dirt, but preferably a day that my main squeeze is straddling his dirt bike. I love singing my little heart out [usually the wrong words--definitely not on purpose] in the car, laughing until my sides ache, hangin' with my boys, spending time with my mama, seeester and brother, and of course just loving my life.

'He' is Carl Robin Maassberg. The only man that will ever hold the key to my heart. The funniest, sweetest, most sincere, non confrontational, pleases everyone kind of man that I am ever so lucky to call my Mr. Anyone that has ever met Carl has not single bad thing to say about him. He is so genuine and incredible. Ahhh. I could go on and on for days but, unless you have your barf bag handy I better just stop there. :] Carl is a full time off road racer that is livin' the dream. He loves racing, fishing, hunting, camping, spending time with his favorite people, playing with our puppy and of course makin' sure our life NEVER has a dull moment.
Dieter Brian Maassberg is our sweet, sweet Maltese puppy [or did we already decide he is now considered a dog?] He is our baby, as you will notice in future blog posts. Dieter loooooves to love on his mommy and daddy, that being said his mommy and daddy sure do love to love on him.

Now that you've met all of us let me give you quick 4-1-1.

Carl and I met one sunny September day in good ol' Pioche, Nevada. It took me a minute to warm up the fact that he was a WHOLE 5 years older than me haha, but we started dating December 4, 2005 and have been attached at the hip ever since. He FINALLY popped the question Decemeber 25, 2009 in the most unexpected moment of my life--but, absoultely perfect. We tied the knot on the best day I'll ever remember, September 25, 2010. That is until we populate this beautiful planet we call Earth with a few little Maassberg rugrats. We've done fun things, seen great things, and traveled near and far together--Germany, France, Mexico, California, Washington, Orgeon, Hawaii, Arizona. We've honestly lived life everyday to the fullest--except maybe one day here and there ;]

To sum it all up we are two ridiculously goofy individuals that found each other, fell  in love and are just enjoying this crazy ride called life. This is our story, our life to share with family and friends here and there.

1 comment:

  1. YAY so excited to follow you and your crazy life, welcome back and I love ya...
