April 5, 2011

An Apple A Day DID NOT Keep The Doctor Away

My ultra talented husband got a really great opportunity this year to race full time for a privateer offroad team. With this amazing offer he also was able to be the team mechanic for the first few races of the year. But, with something positive there is always got to be a tiny little negative...doesnt there?? With Carl racing and riding 24/7 and wrenching on bikes the other part of the time it brought and old demon to the surface. This old demon has a name, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If any of you are familiar with motorcycle racing you understand that your hands/arms are constantly doing alot of repetitive motion--gassing, braking ect. Carl has had severe CTS issues in his right arm for a few years but this last 6 months or so it has become increasingly worse. The ridiculous pain and numbness were causing problems in normal every day to day life, such as; sleeping, driving, talking on the phone, working and riding. But more so this demon was altering his finishes at big important races. After the first round of the 2011 National Hare and Hound series in Lucerne, California I booked the first appointment available with Dr. Bronstein at the Bronstein Hand Center. After what seemed like endless testing we finally booked CTS relief surgery for May 25 which was the beginning of Carl's racing break for the summer [they suggest six weeks to heal]. We were very confident with Dr. Bronstein as he has done several professional motorcycle and BMX racers surgeries. Surgery set. Prescription strength anti inflammatory to help with the rest of the races, check. Everythings peachy keen right? Well, March 26th marked the MRAN Yucca Chuckers race in Alamo and Carl had made some changes in his pre race routine and wanted to see how well his new format would work at 100 mile desert race. So we headed to Alamo bright and early in the morning. Carl used his new routine about an hour before his race. Banner dropped. Bikes started. Off they went. About 20 minutes and 10 miles in to the first of three loops I looked up to see my husband putting down pit row with his left hand sitting in his lap. When the other half just rode right passed me I knew something was wrong. I ran to our truck to see my poor hubby babying his left arm. A few short moments later were packed up and ready to start our 2 hour plus journey back to Las Vegas to see the doctor. In my gut I knew he had broken his wrist but the whole drive home I just kept saying to myself 'please, please don't let his wrist be broken' clearly my whisper of chant didnt work. 5 hours later the doctor in the urgent care broke the news to us-'sir, you have fracture. quarter way. need half cast.' [please be aware there were no typos in that last sentence, that is exactly what he sounded like]. They half-casted him up and sent us on our way. First thing Monday morning I called Dr. Bronstein to see if there was anyway he could take a look at it. Jackpot! He got us in right away.Yet again we didnt get the news we expected.

Monday morning we learned that Carl has two fractures. The worse being the styloid radius fracture that is about half way through the bone. In terms of healing and getting back on the bike faster--seeing how we are one week away from a constant 10 week race stretch--the best decision was surgery. It was not necessary but in order for this bone to be stronger and heal faster Dr. Bronstein suggested that Carl undergo surgery to have a small screw inserted to close the gap. Carl and I talked it over for a whole 3 seconds and decided to proceed, and at the same time to get his CTS relief surgery done on his right arm. Yes. Surgery on both arms, let me tell you he's been taking full advantage of his little wife here doing everything for him haha, especially his bathing! We scheduled surgery for April 1--ugh April Fools Day! Carl was quite bummed and a bit nervous--infact we both were, but you've got to play with the cards you got dealt right? So on Friday Carl had his surgery ugh, poor guy. He was so nervous abou his IV and I was a complete train wreck waiting to hear that he made it out of surgery okay. He did and all is well aside the fact that he is pretty much allergic to any pain medication under the sun and neither of us got much sleep Friday or Saturday night. :] Anything for my boy. My mom has been super helpful taking Carl to the hospital and staying with me until we heard from the doctor not to mention taking care of him during the day while I'm working. Our BFF Lonan even hung out with us while Carl was being sliced open! :] And Carl's mom was even able to stop by after work before we headed and home and see her baby boy! So a BIG thanks to them. Carl and I are super lucky to have you! He has his post op appointment on Thursday so hopefully that will go perfect and the doctor will say he miraculously healed 4 weeks faster than expected haha. I am just happy that he is alive and well and that we can finally get his right arm fixed...not to mention there is no permanent damage on either arm. Thank God.

Carl right before they put his IV in.

I've also got a picture of the crazy contraption that my mom and I had to make him to sleep in for the first 48 hours. I'll upload those tomorrow.

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